Alright, so I've had my blog created for a couple of weeks, and have told lots of people about it...but until today, had yet to post anything. I guess, as I told my friend Laurie at lunch, I just don't have much to say. Oops. That got some shrieks of incredulity going.
I guess it's not that I don't have anything to say, it's just that I haven't been quite clear in my head what this blog is going to be all about. Initially, it was simply going to be a posting place for me to communicate with the folks at home (okay, gloat is a better word) about what we were experiencing in bella italia for my big 40th birthday celebration. But since we aren't leaving until May 30, what am I supposed to write now? I don't think anyone cares about my packing strategy (which I don't have yet), who is taking care of our animals while we're away (Karen and Jen), or my anxiety about the combination of an unfenced pool and 3, 5 and 6 year old kids, or any of the minutia of travel preparation.
Also, I don't have any beautiful, well-staged shots of impeccable meals with the Tuscan cypresses looming in the background to post.
So basically, it doesn't seem like it's going to be a blog of the sort I like to read -- full of adventure and flavor and fun. But I guess I have to start somewhere.
For now, this blog will just be about anticipation. Ours, and the anticipation of all the great folks who are making the journey with us -- Eric, Denise and Maddy; my mom and dad; Shannon, Dana, Pam and John, and Dan, Robin and Josh.
It's going to be a great adventure.